Monday, November 26, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot

WARNING!!!!!  Picture overload!  My friend Kristy Owens takes A-Mazing photos.  Look what she did with my family???  She's very talented and I can't wait to use her again.   
In some of these it almost makes you think my kids love each other....

Anyhoo - this is from our photo shoot in October.   

 Look how sweet... 
what she didn't capture on film was that of her brother trying to tackle her in the grass. 
Oh - and me screaming "Don't get dirty!!!!"

My daughter - the photo bomber.  Let's try this again 

Much better 

 In this pic - I was trying to get him to open his eyes more.  
This is what he did instead

Again - SO sweet....

 My sweet Caroline.  Such a diva!  

Friday, November 23, 2012

lots to be thankful for

My heart is so full right now {not unlike my belly from all of this food I've been eating}.  Wednesday we had our appointment at the Blue Bird Circle Clinic for Pediatric Neurology so we could finally get an answer - or at least some insight - into Sam's physical struggles.  Originally, this appointment was for July, 2013 - yes, you read that right.  Fortunately, I had enough sense to call back and see if we could get on the cancellation waiting list for a quicker turn around.  He saw 2 doctors, they evaluated Sam extensively, drew blood and then in walked the big neuro doctor.  I was starting to hyperventilate, until he said those magic words: "Sam's physical limitations are not neurological. AT ALL"  After that we stopped listening and I started crying.  We had to have the doctor repeat everything else - thank God Nick was there to ask again b/c I was a hot mess.  It was such a relief to hear him say that.  They diagnosed Muscular Myopathy - which is just a fancy way of saying muscle weakness.  Course of action is PT/OT {which we've been doing for over 6 months}.  A big part of me knew that it was probably nothing - but in the back of my mind there was a small part that thought perhaps this was Muscular Dystrophy or ALS or PLS or a tumor {just a bit of advice: stay off WebMD if you're concerned about anything health related}.  While we were there and because it's basically protocol, they drew some blood to test his enzymes and do some genetic testing to see if this is something he could possibly pass on to his future children and grandchildren.  And if it is, there's a likelihood that Caroline could possibly be a carrier as well.  Even if it is, this is very minor and very treatable without medication or surgery.

While in the clinic all morning on Wednesday, we encountered many children with huge fights ahead of them.  Children and babies who were SO sick and traveled from all over the world to be at TCH.  Nick and I both agreed that no matter what Sam's outcome was on Wednesday, it was in no way as severe as what the other families there were experiencing.  Puts things in perspective...

Thanksgiving has a truly different meaning after Wednesday.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

good-bye, dear friend

I hate saying good-bye to people.  I've been avoiding this because of being in denial, but the time has come to say farewell to one of my best friends {and one of my favorite people. ever} We see each other daily - and when we don't we're driving Nick crazy texting each other back and forth.  Her kids and mine play together all the time.  And while sometimes they don't get along, they love each other like siblings do.  Kelly and her funny, crazy little family are moving to Florida on Saturday.  I'm going to miss my friend.  I've tried to hold it together, but seeing the moving truck pull up today was hard.  I moved to the suburbs kicking and screaming {in my opinion old people and women who didn't know how to drive their mini vans lived in the burbs} and I was wrong - I have met people I will always consider some of the closest friends I've ever had.  Kelly is one of them.  Florida is lucky to have her.   She's a wonderful person: she listens, she has your back, she isn't afraid to tell you to shut up; she'll pray with you, she'll throw out a well deserved "f" bomb; she thinks she's a terrible cook but makes a mean salad.  She would do anything for her family and friends - and you don't come across many people like her.  I'm going to miss my PCB and our daily play dates with the kids.  The MANY pitchers of vodka limeade in the sac.  The impromptu dinners with our families.  FastPass.  Chloe + Chico.   The list of all the things I'll miss about the Krenzke's is so long.  I know we'll see each other again - so this is just a "see ya later" - Kelly can't get rid of me that easily.  Putting my selfishness aside for a moment - I wish her all the best in Florida and am so excited for her and her family's new adventure.  Miss her already.  Time to start booking my first flight to FL!