Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Stander Style

Put this together after going thru all of my facebook posts from the year.  Thought it was funny.  I'm telling ya - it's going to be a Christmas Classic.  Generations to come will sit around the fireplace on Christmas Eve and sing this song.   

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
A failed Swiss vacation

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Two new cars
And a failed Swiss vacation

...in the interest of time....I'm sure you know how the song goes

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Twelve great memories
Eleven dog messes
Ten planned parties
Nine family trips
Eight diva tantrums
Seven teacher meetings
Six-thousand Legos
Four trips to the ER
Three days at Disney
Two new cars
And a failed Swiss vacation

Felt kind of bad I didn't send out a letter this year, so I had to do something!

Top 5 Facebook posts of 2012

Every year for Chirstmas, I send out cards with a fairly lengthy letter.  At the end of our annual letters, I always put the top 5 Facebook posts of the year.  I choose a few different people every year to vote on them.  Since I'm really not feeling the Christmas spirit and didn't write an annual letter, I totally phoned it in and sent out cards with a link to this blog printed on them - I know - shameless, lazy, and a little self-promoting - but at least I sent out something.   So here it is folks, the top 5 Facebook posts of 2012:

....drum roll....

5.  Kids upstairs playing.
Sam:  let's play pirates!
Caroline: or we can play bridesmaids
Sam: (long pause) OR we can play PIRATE BRIDESMAIDS!

4.  Nick's office had Go Texan Day and he was putting on his boots
Caroline: Daddy, you look like a cowboy....except cowboys don't wear sweater vests.

3.  After asking Caroline to do her chores and get ready for school:  "I do EVERYTHING around here!  You don't do a thing!"

2.  Stopped at a stoplight and 2 birds hit my car and fall to the ground.  Sam sees them flopping around and says "Shoot 'em momma!!!!"

1.  Sam: MOM!  I got it!  I got it!!!
Me: What is it?
Sam:  my booger!  I've been trying to get that thing all day!

Honestly, I have the funniest kids.  I couldn't make up this stuff if I tried.  They are so much fun and while they do fight and whine, the laughs are by far well worth it.   

two steps forward, one step back

What we thought was a done deal with being worried about Sam ended up being slightly preemptive.  After Dr. Fernandez told us Sam was fine and we didn't need to worry about anything neurological, I thought we were done.  I would be lying if I told you we didn't pop a bottle of champagne and do some serious celebrating.  It NEVER occurred to me that the blood work our doctor ordered would come back fishy.  Although the doctors we saw in November said "we don't think this is neurological" the blood work says differently.  

So, here we are again at the oh-so-familiar intersection of OK Avenue and Craptastic Way - waiting for some news.  I HATE WAITING.  This time, we wait until January 11 to see a different doctor to get the results of the extra blood work that he ordered and some genetic screening.  While we wait, we are desperately trying to cling to some sanity and get through the days without having a meltdown. It's hard not to get online and google everything the doctor told us on the phone.  It's hard to watch Nick get to where I've been for months - that something is not right.   We're just praying that something was wrong with the tests they ran and not anything with Sam.

I've been talking about Sam and his issues for so long, that I no longer cry when I talk about it.   Is that normal?  I guess it's our normal now.  It's part of everyday life that I tell him to stop walking on his toes or "don't sit like that" or "good job walking up the stairs by yourself".  His physical limitations have become part of our routine.  I feel like whatever the outcome in January, that will become part of life for us.  

Thought I would give everyone an update.  Keep Sam in your thoughts and prayers.  I pray that come January 11, we will have good news and finally start 2013 with a step in the right direction.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot

WARNING!!!!!  Picture overload!  My friend Kristy Owens takes A-Mazing photos.  Look what she did with my family???  She's very talented and I can't wait to use her again.   
In some of these it almost makes you think my kids love each other....

Anyhoo - this is from our photo shoot in October.   

 Look how sweet... 
what she didn't capture on film was that of her brother trying to tackle her in the grass. 
Oh - and me screaming "Don't get dirty!!!!"

My daughter - the photo bomber.  Let's try this again 

Much better 

 In this pic - I was trying to get him to open his eyes more.  
This is what he did instead

Again - SO sweet....

 My sweet Caroline.  Such a diva!  

Friday, November 23, 2012

lots to be thankful for

My heart is so full right now {not unlike my belly from all of this food I've been eating}.  Wednesday we had our appointment at the Blue Bird Circle Clinic for Pediatric Neurology so we could finally get an answer - or at least some insight - into Sam's physical struggles.  Originally, this appointment was for July, 2013 - yes, you read that right.  Fortunately, I had enough sense to call back and see if we could get on the cancellation waiting list for a quicker turn around.  He saw 2 doctors, they evaluated Sam extensively, drew blood and then in walked the big neuro doctor.  I was starting to hyperventilate, until he said those magic words: "Sam's physical limitations are not neurological. AT ALL"  After that we stopped listening and I started crying.  We had to have the doctor repeat everything else - thank God Nick was there to ask again b/c I was a hot mess.  It was such a relief to hear him say that.  They diagnosed Muscular Myopathy - which is just a fancy way of saying muscle weakness.  Course of action is PT/OT {which we've been doing for over 6 months}.  A big part of me knew that it was probably nothing - but in the back of my mind there was a small part that thought perhaps this was Muscular Dystrophy or ALS or PLS or a tumor {just a bit of advice: stay off WebMD if you're concerned about anything health related}.  While we were there and because it's basically protocol, they drew some blood to test his enzymes and do some genetic testing to see if this is something he could possibly pass on to his future children and grandchildren.  And if it is, there's a likelihood that Caroline could possibly be a carrier as well.  Even if it is, this is very minor and very treatable without medication or surgery.

While in the clinic all morning on Wednesday, we encountered many children with huge fights ahead of them.  Children and babies who were SO sick and traveled from all over the world to be at TCH.  Nick and I both agreed that no matter what Sam's outcome was on Wednesday, it was in no way as severe as what the other families there were experiencing.  Puts things in perspective...

Thanksgiving has a truly different meaning after Wednesday.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

good-bye, dear friend

I hate saying good-bye to people.  I've been avoiding this because of being in denial, but the time has come to say farewell to one of my best friends {and one of my favorite people. ever} We see each other daily - and when we don't we're driving Nick crazy texting each other back and forth.  Her kids and mine play together all the time.  And while sometimes they don't get along, they love each other like siblings do.  Kelly and her funny, crazy little family are moving to Florida on Saturday.  I'm going to miss my friend.  I've tried to hold it together, but seeing the moving truck pull up today was hard.  I moved to the suburbs kicking and screaming {in my opinion old people and women who didn't know how to drive their mini vans lived in the burbs} and I was wrong - I have met people I will always consider some of the closest friends I've ever had.  Kelly is one of them.  Florida is lucky to have her.   She's a wonderful person: she listens, she has your back, she isn't afraid to tell you to shut up; she'll pray with you, she'll throw out a well deserved "f" bomb; she thinks she's a terrible cook but makes a mean salad.  She would do anything for her family and friends - and you don't come across many people like her.  I'm going to miss my PCB and our daily play dates with the kids.  The MANY pitchers of vodka limeade in the sac.  The impromptu dinners with our families.  FastPass.  Chloe + Chico.   The list of all the things I'll miss about the Krenzke's is so long.  I know we'll see each other again - so this is just a "see ya later" - Kelly can't get rid of me that easily.  Putting my selfishness aside for a moment - I wish her all the best in Florida and am so excited for her and her family's new adventure.  Miss her already.  Time to start booking my first flight to FL!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

something good to say!

I've been a bit absent from blogging lately - quite honestly it's because every time I sit down to blog, I really don't have anything nice to say.  And I don't want you all to think I'm this disgruntled, miserable person - because I'm not.  I am simply following the good ole rule of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". 

Despite having a ridiculously busy October, I'm happy to say it's over.  The fall festivals, and school carnivals and football games and baby showers.  All over.  So.  Happy.  And while I LOVE being involved with the community and school and throwing my besties and sister fun parties - I'm ready for a break. 

In my spare time {LOL - what spare time???} I've been arguing with our insurance company and pediatrician about proper wording on a prescription for Sam's PT and OT.  Apparently having a physical delay isn't specific enough.  I feel like banging my head against a wall would get better results at this point.  I mean - how can anyone, after evaluating Sam - not think he needs a little help?  The kid can't hop on one foot.  So I've got these appointments with specialists who have 9 month waiting lists to get some kind of diagnosis so we don't have to private pay for therapy any longer....in 9 months.  I'm not a doctor or anything close to it, but what's it to our pedi to write a prescription for PT and OT?  It's not like I'm asking for drugs.  So frustrating.  I'm SO thankful Nick and I are fortunate enough we are able to pay out of pocket twice a week for therapy.  Does it suck?  Hell yeah it does!  It kills me that our incredibly awesome health insurance doesn't cover PT or OT unless it's "restorative".  It's BS.  Really - I can think of some really cute shoes I could buy with that money every week.  :)

And that, my friends concludes this week's installment of "things that piss me off"...

On to better things... the day before my birthday I got this really large, official-looking envelope hand delivered.  I had to sign for it and everything.  After opening it, I realized I was reading the results of my BRAC 1 & 2 tests.  Which were NEGATIVE!  No genetic mutations found.  Best birthday present ever.  {even better than the Gucci bag Nick and the kids surprised me with - I know - I'm shocked too}

I'm really looking forward to slowing down.  I really want to spend time with Victoria before her baby comes.  Hang out with Kelly before she moves to Florida.  I feel like I've been a very absent friend, sister, wife and mom.  November comes quickly and there will be LOTS of babies being born.  Can't wait to hold them all.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the kids at the moment.  But my next post will be of the adorable photo shoot my friend, Kristy, shot. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

PT {or more appropriately titled "people are a$$ holes"}

I need to get this off my chest....

Sam has been going to PT for about 5 months for some issues (that are not serious).  Running, jumping, general balance and core strength skills are delayed due to the many ear infections he had as a baby.  So we go to PT to get him caught up.  He's really doing great.  While at PT (and at home) we put Kinesiotape on his legs to improve muscle tone.  It's blue.  And looks like he has a stripe running up his leg.  We call it his super hero tape, or most recently, his Olympian tape (b/c most of the Olympic athletes wore it this summer).

My problem - people are a$$ holes!  Here's a tip: just because you think it, doesn't mean you should say it.  

You have no idea how many times a day someone says "what's wrong with his legs?' - in front of Sam!  I'm not talking about children saying this - no it's ADULTS!  There's nothing wrong with curiosity, but don't act like there's something wrong with Sam.  And certainly don't say something like that in front of my kid - he already thinks he's different, he doesn't need a rude comment like that to make him feel like there's something wrong with him.  B/c eventually, he will - that's how often we hear that question.  My favorite is when they look at him like he's deformed.  

When we first started wearing the tape, I would politely smile and say "oh he's fine".  Currently, I'm going into overly complicated details about how the kinesiotape works just to make rude people uncomfortable.  Now, I think the conversation will go like this:
Rude person - "What's wrong with his legs?"
Me: "Nothing.  What's wrong with your brain?"
The End.

Maybe a bit much?  I don't care - I'll be the crazy mom who can't handle comments made about her kid over having my son feel like crap.  Any day.  Questions like "What's that on his legs?" and "Is that paint on his legs?' are questions we hear too, but not as often.  And those are fine with me.  I'm happy to tell you what it is.  But I will NOT explain to you that there's nothing wrong with a child.  Especially mine.   Perhaps this post is a little bit hostile, but I've had it.

I feel MUCH better now. 
Love him.  And his tape! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Think it slows down around here after school starts up?  Not at all.  In fact, we've been doing quite a bit of traveling.  Because what's a couple more days off, right?  I feel a little bad - Caroline has missed 3 of the first 9 days of school because of travel.  Personally, I feel that travel experiences are educational - fortunately the school agrees.  As long as she makes up her work and it's not excessive, we're ok.

Our first trip this month was to Albuquerque, NM.  Nick's good friend, Hank and his family live there and have been wanting us to come out for a while.  Labor Day weekend seemed perfect.  If you've never been to the ABQ - I highly recommend it.  The weather is FABULOUS!  And how can you argue with this view

We woke up to this view every day.  It was a realxing trip.  Hank and Deb are long past having little ones in the house...bet they think twice before asking us back!  Kiddos were very excited - not quite sure if it was the fresh air or the fact that we were a mile above sea level, but the kids were bouncing off the walls.

Our next adventure was to New Orleans last weekend.  Nick's college buddy/frat brother was getting married, so we packed up and drove down to NOLA.  Luckily, Nick and I had some peace and quiet thanks to my inlaws.  They picked up the kids and took them back to Alabama all weekend!  I went to the spa on Friday, Nick went to a couple bars and hung out with his friends.  It was a good time.  And the food!  How could I forget the food?  Delish!!! 

Arriving at Pat O's on the River after second lining through Jackson Square.  So fun!
This weekend I'm throwing my BFF, Victoria, a baby shower.  Dinner with my parents for their birthdays.  Birthday party for a friend.  Caroline is having a sleepover.

The following weekend, we're going to the beach with my family.  Sadly, we're also attending a going away party for one of my besties - I'm not ready to talk about that one yet.  I'm still in denial.

The weekend after that we're going to the Texans game.

I'm worn out just typing all this.  Don't get me started on October...I think I need an assistant.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

OMG - I have a second grader!

How did this happen?  When did Caroline grow up?  She went off to 2nd grade and didn't even look back!  To prepare for this special day, she started sorting her new clothes into categories of "what I will not wear to school on the first day"; "what I will wear on the first week"; and "what I will probably wear on the first day"  It was hilarious.  Then we had multiple fashion shows to make sure she had the perfect outfit - because that's really what the first day is all about - FASHION.  The entire school was a Justice for Girls advertisement.  

She hopped out of bed at 6, got herself dressed and ready before I even opened my eyes.  Knew it wouldn't last long though, b/c the second day of school was a different story - I practically had to drag her out of bed.  But at least she had a cute outfit to wear!

We are happy with the teacher arrangement this year.  Not thrilled she's out in a portable building, but we'll see how it goes.  Caroline thinks it's the coolest thing ever.  As long as she's happy, we're happy.  Hope she has a wonderful year this year!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


i've already broken my "I'll blog once a week" deal.  oops.  

here's an update on my little medical situation that occurred 2 weeks ago:  doing fantastic!  saw the endocrinologist and all my labs were fine.  saw the neurologist and he gave me a shot and some headache medication in case this ever happens again (we are really, really, really hoping it does not) and sent me on my way.  

in the mail today, i got a survey to take on my experience at memorial hermann northeast.  this is going to be fun!  my ultimate goal in filling this thing out is the CEO of hermann to call me and apologize for the enormous group of morons he has working for him.  i realize that is most likely not going to happen - but a girl can dream... 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the end is near....

...the end of summer!!!  Woo to the hoo!!!!!  words cannot express my happiness.  next monday marks the start of freedom, my friends.  freedom to do whatever the hell i want to do, and when i want to do it.  well, until 3PM when i pick up kids from school.  no more taking them to the pool, entertaining them or feeding them non stop throughout the day.  and trust me, feeding them is a huge part of our day because these kids eat. all. the. time.  my grocery bill has almost tripled since summer started - its ridiculous.  

before we get caught up in the excitement of next week, lets talk about this week.  because it's in a whole different category of excitement!  PTO is kicking into high gear and there are events almost daily at the school this week.  our neighborhood social events committee is starting to plan our annual fall festival.  i'm planning not one, but 3 baby showers.  my house is so unorganized, i belong on an episode of hoarders.  i really wanted to do some little projects around here this week, to get it together. so it's fitting that the week i've made all these plans and volunteered to help at pto functions i wind up in the hospital for a possible stroke.  (it wasn't a stroke, it's actually aura migraines, and you can read about that here)  
monday morning, i drop sam off at school (on time!!!) and head to the gym for my favorite workout class, soul grooves.  i'm about 45 minutes into the class and i notice that i can't see out of my left eye.  about 1/2 a second later i start to get really confused and disoriented and must have looked that way, b/c our amazing instructor, Tracie, grabbed me and had me sit down.  i immediately start freaking out b/ i'm not quite sure what's happening.  i go to this class regularly, so it's not as if i've never broken a sweat before.  i start getting numbness on the left side of my body (mostly hand and face), my BP is extremely high and that's when the most horrific headache i've ever had in my life starts.  the EMT (yeah, you read that right - i left the GYM on a stretcher - effing humiliating) suggests i *could* possibly be having a tiny stroke called a TIA.  and that's how i ended up at the most awful hospital ever.  i don't care if anyone reading this works at Northeast - that hospital sucks and crappy service like that starts at the top in administration.  no one communicates - with each other OR the patient.  i won't go into details (b/c there are MANY) but i will say that anything that could have gone wrong, did.  if you're ever in an ambulance on the NE side of town and they ask you which hospital, tell them Kingwood - no really, insist on it.    

anyhoo - everything is fine.  i'm home and resting.  my family and friends are so awesome.  my sister (who is 7 months pregnant and has a toddler) took my kids all day and over night.  my parents brought them back home and MADE caroline and sam pick up their toys upstairs.  we have so many friends who brought flowers or offered to bring dinner or take the kids or come visit, i really appreciate it.  we live in a great neighborhood.  and of course, mr. stander who sat by my bed at the hospital and slept in the most uncomfortable chair. ever.  even when i was tired and cranky (i'm sugar coating it a little) and not very pleasant - he didn't leave me in the worst hospital in the world.  he stayed through the abuse.  love you!!!   i've still got this raging headache.  apparently migraines can last for more than a week - fun.  so i'm going to continue hanging out in dark rooms and make my family and friends talk very, very quietly around me.  chico barked this morning (which he never does - which also proves that he hates me) and i threw a magazine at him.  

below is a picture i took while i was getting ready for my EEG test.  it's kind of "creepy" as caroline called it - but it sums up the ridiculousness that was the last 2 days.  and if you can't laugh at yourself, there's something wrong with you.  :)  enjoy! 

Monday, August 13, 2012


hate change have a problem with change.  today was one of those days that was supposed to be perfect.  where everyone gets out of bed without a fight (that does happen, right?) and gets dressed and ready for the day by 7:45 (someone PLEASE tell me this will happen someday in my house).  yep - today was sam's first day of school at a new school, and it was a total cluster.  i'm yelling at caroline to get the lead out - we are seriously going to have a problem when her school starts back in 2 weeks.  sam ate 2 waffles - and then wanted more.  and in the process, got syrup all over himself.  and if sam's hands are sticky or dirty in ANY way - it s meltdown.  then it was outfit #2 for him and realized i needed to get an official first day of school photo.  so out comes the fancy camera, had to change lenses, get the lighting right...ugh.  so it's 7:50 and i'm still running around like a lunatic (shocking to most of you, i'm sure).  oh, and his new school, it starts at 8.  sharp.  they made it perfectly clear when we registered that this was NOT mother's day out.  this was school.  real school.  must not be late.  ever.

i promise this post is about change - i'll find it somewhere.   ahh - yes.  so rolling into school at 8:07, running through the parking lot and i'm half yelling, half telling sam how great i hope his first day is.  and to be a good boy.  and to listen, etc... i feel like i robbed him of a great start on his first day at a new school.  i then get the kind, yet slightly irritated "class starts at 8" look from his teacher.  i throw him into class, head to the gym and that's where it hit me: he's not with his friends.  he's not with the teachers that have been with him since he was 18 months old.  i felt really sad for him.  and for me.  i met some really great people at his old school and i really missed them today.  i don't know these people - they don't know sam yet.  they don't know he's allergic to milk yet.  they don't know what sets him off into a fit suitable for a new jersey housewife (i actually had a lot more irrational thoughts about how it would have just been easier to keep him at his old school - but i won't bore you with those!) yes, it was time for a change for sam and it was a difficult one to make.  nick and i feel this place will get sam caught up so he can start (gulp) kindergarten next fall.  not that his old school wasn't doing that for him - he loved it there.  we loved it there, but a fresh start is going to be what's best for sam. so while i'm not 100% settled with the change and the way this morning went, i'm happy that sam is in good hands.  that he'll eventually make new friends and that the staff of this new school will get to know him and love him like his old one did.  

this is literally 1 of 2 pictures i took this morning.

this is the other one.  not sure if he was caught in the act of picking his nose or just finished...i didn't even bother editing this one.

hopefully wednesday will be better.  i'll get some better pictures and we'll have a do-over from this chaotic morning.  

Monday, August 6, 2012

Girl Scout Camping in Hell

Want to know what I did?  I took Caroline's Girl Scout troop camping!  And yes, I knew what I was getting myself into.  And yes, I have actually been camping before (shocking, I know.  There's a hilarious story of my first camping trip in December - we'll save that for another post).  And no, I could not bring alcohol.  While it was like camping in the bowels of Hell, we had a great time. 

Did I mention I have the best co-leader ever?  Sara is awesome.  She puts all scout leaders to shame.  Prepared.  Not afraid to get dirty.  Fun.  Funny....and that's the kind of person you want to be stuck out in the sticks with.  I have found an unassuming friend in Sara.  She's good people. 

Getting ready for the campfire.  B/c I guess it wasn't hot enough?  Anyhoo - the girls enjoyed S'mores and singing around the fire.

Sleepy heads!  Would not wake up.  Of course we can thank our rude and disrespectful cabin mates for keeping all of us up - don't get me started.  Oh, and those bunk beds - could not have been more uncomfortable.

Such a great group of girls.  We had so much fun!!!

Happy Birthday, Mr. Stander

So, for Nick's birthday this year our washer and dryer died (go figure).  Happy Birthday, to the best hubs ever - hope you like it. :)

And while I'd rather spend the $$ on something fun, we need clean clothes. 

Pimp my backyard: Phase 1

Status: Complete!  Yay!!!  I know it looks sparse from the pictures below, but let me tell you it's a big ole, beautiful slab of stamped and stained concrete and I couldn't be happier its finished. Now on to the next phase: outdoor fireplace and stone seating.  And once we get some more furniture out there, it's going to be freaking awesome!

Thanks Villanueva Family - we love it!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Legoland needs to take notes from Disneyland

So after Disneyland, we ventured down to Carlsbad to visit Legoland.  Sam loves Legos about as much as he loves Lightning McQueen, so he was pumped about it.  Legoland was the complete opposite of Disney...dirty, smelled bad, run down...it was in desperate need of a makeover.  It was pretty disappointing for Nick and me.  Even the employees were kind of disgruntled.  It's like they were the rejects who couldn't get a job at Disneyland.  Had we gone to Legoland first, we might have forgotten how bad it sucked after being at Disnelyand for 2 days. 

Sam thought it was the coolest thing ever.  Caroline was unamused.  Perhaps the most impressive part of Legoland was the Miniland section.  They made entire cities out of legos - to scale!  NYC, DC and even New Orleans.  Don't get me wrong - building national landmarks, the Millennium Falcon and all the characters from Star Wars out of legos is pretty impressive.  While the land of Legos failed to impress 3/4 of the family - Sam had a blast and that's all that really counts, right?

This was made to scale all out of Legos!

St. Louis Cathedral in NOLA

Chalmette, LA even made it in the New Orleans Miniland set. 
(Nick grew up really close to here - so we were surprised to see it)

And finally, I save the best picture for last.  In Lego New Orleans they had this...

Thats right, its a hooker.  Made out of legos.  Classic.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Beware - picture overload below!  Nick had some work to do in California last week, so the kids and I joined him and made a vacation out of it.  Traveling by myself with two kiddos does not sound appealing, I know, but Caroline and Sam are the world's best travelers.  Throw some food at them and an iPad and you wouldn't even realize there was a kid sitting next to you! 

The first two days we went to Disneyland and California Adventure - and let me tell ya - AWESOME!  It was the first time the kids have been to anything Disney - AND mine too!  I had so much fun!!!  The entire park was so clean, everyone was friendly and it was beautiful!  Since it was Go, GO, GO for two days straight it was a lot for the kids.  Then the next day it was on to California Adventure where we went to the newly opened Cars Land.  I have never seen Sam so excited.  Ever.  He got to meet his hero, Lightning McQueen.  And really - does it get any better than that?  The people who created Cars Land have outdone themselves, because it was like walking into Radiator Springs.  Every detail of the park was amazing.  I thought it was funny that the characters from the movie had their own entourage.  Lightning McQueen had more body guards than the president!

We had so much fun.  It really is the happiest place on earth!  All I have to say is whatever drug they put their employees on, I want it b/c those were some seriously happy peeps. 
 We had breakfast with Minnie & Friends on the first morning

Sam with Goofy (but Goofy as a kid?)

No trip to Disney would be complete without a ride on the teacups...

or the Dumbo ride!

We had to buy EVERYTHING the kids saw.  Including these lovely hats.:)

Cars Land!

If you ever get a chance to go here - DO IT!  It was so amazing.

In front of "Willie's Butte"
Lightning McQueen with his security team
Phineas & Ferb!  They did an awesome dance show complete with Perry and the Fireside girls.
Lunch with Ariel in her Grotto with all of her princess friends!

Why does my son refuse to look at the camera?  He's either not looking at us or he looks like he's being tortured to take a picture!

All the princesses were really sweet.

We didn't even have any inappropriate touching (Sam).  The boy loves getting to second base.  With anyone.  Luckily that didn't happen with the princesses.  :)  Because it would have been embarrassing to get escorted off the property.
Worn out!  They were so tired they snuggled with each other!  Believe me, they don't EVER do this!

Hey - you want to know something interesting?  There is no alcohol inside Disneyland.  At.  All.  And trust me, I looked.  With the exception of going into a restaurant and sitting down to eat a nice meal, you can't get a glass of wine or even a beer!  The least they could do is offer some adult beverages - I mean you're spending a ton of $$$ every day a little wine would help ease the pain, that's all.  :)

It was great fun both days.  I would go back.  Nick would need some encouragement. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rain. And lightning.

Rain, rain, go away doesn't quite describe my hatred toward mother nature right now.  We were supposed to be enjoying our newly poured patio right about now, but instead we've been waiting for the rain to stop. And waiting.  And waiting.  So this is what my backyard looks like at the moment. 
Stander Swamp

I feel so bad for the guy working with us.  Every few days I send him a picture with a frowny face - he's probably sick of me.  And while we all need the rain - this is ridiculous!  So if everyone can refrain from washing thier cars or performing any rain dances, I would appreciate it. 

No matter how bad it is in our backyard, it is in no way as bad as it is across the street.  Lightning struck a tree in our neighbor's front yard, then arched over to the house and started a fire.  It's a mess.  Then to add insult to injury, some jerk broke into her garage and stole the few things that were not fire damaged.  Makes me sick.  Our neighbor is such a nice person and she's had a rough week already since last week I backed into her car.  Car in the shop, house catches on fire, burglarized...hope this is enough for her for a while.   

When lightning struck this tree, Nick said it shook our house!

Sorry about the orientation of the photo.  Can't figure that out yet.  If anyone knows how to fix this, let me know. 

Looks like for the rest of the week we'll be hiding out while we wait for the rain to stop.  I've got lots to do around here anyway - like clean out a few closets.  I'm pretty sure the gameroom closet deserves a spot on the show Hoarders.