Friday, May 31, 2013


HELLO there.  Let's get right down to business.  I've had a lot on my mind lately.  Please note I started this post in April.  There's really no excuse.  Just not enough time.

I had a nightmare dream about what life would be like getting 2 kids ready for school (at 2 different schools) with a newborn.  It was utter chaos.  I can't talk about it yet - I remember being stressed and crying and screaming.  I woke up sweating.

I won't even go into how much weight I've gained.  I'm not really surprised, I have absolutely no will power when it comes to food now.  And I will add that being Caroline's GS troop cookie manager was not good, my friends.  Not.  Good.  Sweets and onion rings is all this mama wants at the moment.

We took our annual bluebonnet pictures this year.  With the dog.  It was like herding cats.  Is it too much to ask that I have everyone looking at the camera at the same time?  It's not hard.  I took 278 pictures.  6 were decent and 1 was good enough to print.  The dog did better at sitting still than the kids.  Not kidding.

Ok guys - FOCUS!  Cannot tell you how many of these we have.

Dude has some serious dancing skills

There we go.  And yet as I look at this, Sam still looks as if someone is holding a gun to his head to make him smile.

Good boy!  Walked him over to the flower patch, told him to sit and then took his picture.  If only it were that easy with the kids.

I've been doing a little house cleaning {well, not a real house...and certainly not mine}.  I'm actually thinking about turning off Facebook, but the only thing stopping me are the updates for Sam's page.  Simplifying things.  Clearing out the clutter and junk in my head.  Living in the moment with the kids instead of being attached to something that doesn't matter.  Starting to see people who they really are for the first time.  Decided I'm done listening to people whine about how bad their life sucks.  I would KILL to have a day where Starbucks messed up my coffee order, therefore my day is ruined.  Don't get me wrong, I understand people have crappy days and I even get that people have things going in their lives that, at that moment in time, sucks.  Really bad.  My life isn't the only one with terrible news in it.  But I feel like most people don't understand perspective.  It's the ONE thing about Sam's diagnosis that has made me see things for what they really are.  My sympathy for others who have the ability to change things themselves no longer exist.  Put on your big girl panties, be a grown up, and make a change.  Every day I worry about whether or not my son will be able to walk downstairs the next day by himself, or that the next time he falls he won't get back up.  You may think that's really not a big deal, but I doubt there are people who would trade places with me.

A few weeks ago I started having heart palpitations - seriously.  Had to go see a cardiologist and get a holter monitor.  I started thinking - back in August they thought I was having a stroke, now I'm having chest pains...did someone forget to tell me I'm 65?  Thankfully, everything was fine.  I'm guessing stress, but it's just a hunch.  

This house isn't going to get ready for a baby by itself!  Everyone is moving bedrooms upstairs.  We're turning the media room into a guest suite.  Caroline is moving into the current guest room.  Sam will move into Caroline's room.  #3 will get Sam's room.  So there's lots of painting, building out shelves in closets and moving.  Lots and lots of moving...we could use a hand or 10, so if you want to help out I'm sure Nick would properly compensate you with beer and/or manhattans (after the heavy lifting, of course)

Have to brag for just a second: Look at what a rock star my hubby is!!!  
He built this.  And it looks awesome.

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