Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rain. And lightning.

Rain, rain, go away doesn't quite describe my hatred toward mother nature right now.  We were supposed to be enjoying our newly poured patio right about now, but instead we've been waiting for the rain to stop. And waiting.  And waiting.  So this is what my backyard looks like at the moment. 
Stander Swamp

I feel so bad for the guy working with us.  Every few days I send him a picture with a frowny face - he's probably sick of me.  And while we all need the rain - this is ridiculous!  So if everyone can refrain from washing thier cars or performing any rain dances, I would appreciate it. 

No matter how bad it is in our backyard, it is in no way as bad as it is across the street.  Lightning struck a tree in our neighbor's front yard, then arched over to the house and started a fire.  It's a mess.  Then to add insult to injury, some jerk broke into her garage and stole the few things that were not fire damaged.  Makes me sick.  Our neighbor is such a nice person and she's had a rough week already since last week I backed into her car.  Car in the shop, house catches on fire, burglarized...hope this is enough for her for a while.   

When lightning struck this tree, Nick said it shook our house!

Sorry about the orientation of the photo.  Can't figure that out yet.  If anyone knows how to fix this, let me know. 

Looks like for the rest of the week we'll be hiding out while we wait for the rain to stop.  I've got lots to do around here anyway - like clean out a few closets.  I'm pretty sure the gameroom closet deserves a spot on the show Hoarders.

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