Tuesday, September 25, 2012

PT {or more appropriately titled "people are a$$ holes"}

I need to get this off my chest....

Sam has been going to PT for about 5 months for some issues (that are not serious).  Running, jumping, general balance and core strength skills are delayed due to the many ear infections he had as a baby.  So we go to PT to get him caught up.  He's really doing great.  While at PT (and at home) we put Kinesiotape on his legs to improve muscle tone.  It's blue.  And looks like he has a stripe running up his leg.  We call it his super hero tape, or most recently, his Olympian tape (b/c most of the Olympic athletes wore it this summer).

My problem - people are a$$ holes!  Here's a tip: just because you think it, doesn't mean you should say it.  

You have no idea how many times a day someone says "what's wrong with his legs?' - in front of Sam!  I'm not talking about children saying this - no it's ADULTS!  There's nothing wrong with curiosity, but don't act like there's something wrong with Sam.  And certainly don't say something like that in front of my kid - he already thinks he's different, he doesn't need a rude comment like that to make him feel like there's something wrong with him.  B/c eventually, he will - that's how often we hear that question.  My favorite is when they look at him like he's deformed.  

When we first started wearing the tape, I would politely smile and say "oh he's fine".  Currently, I'm going into overly complicated details about how the kinesiotape works just to make rude people uncomfortable.  Now, I think the conversation will go like this:
Rude person - "What's wrong with his legs?"
Me: "Nothing.  What's wrong with your brain?"
The End.

Maybe a bit much?  I don't care - I'll be the crazy mom who can't handle comments made about her kid over having my son feel like crap.  Any day.  Questions like "What's that on his legs?" and "Is that paint on his legs?' are questions we hear too, but not as often.  And those are fine with me.  I'm happy to tell you what it is.  But I will NOT explain to you that there's nothing wrong with a child.  Especially mine.   Perhaps this post is a little bit hostile, but I've had it.

I feel MUCH better now. 
Love him.  And his tape! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Think it slows down around here after school starts up?  Not at all.  In fact, we've been doing quite a bit of traveling.  Because what's a couple more days off, right?  I feel a little bad - Caroline has missed 3 of the first 9 days of school because of travel.  Personally, I feel that travel experiences are educational - fortunately the school agrees.  As long as she makes up her work and it's not excessive, we're ok.

Our first trip this month was to Albuquerque, NM.  Nick's good friend, Hank and his family live there and have been wanting us to come out for a while.  Labor Day weekend seemed perfect.  If you've never been to the ABQ - I highly recommend it.  The weather is FABULOUS!  And how can you argue with this view

We woke up to this view every day.  It was a realxing trip.  Hank and Deb are long past having little ones in the house...bet they think twice before asking us back!  Kiddos were very excited - not quite sure if it was the fresh air or the fact that we were a mile above sea level, but the kids were bouncing off the walls.

Our next adventure was to New Orleans last weekend.  Nick's college buddy/frat brother was getting married, so we packed up and drove down to NOLA.  Luckily, Nick and I had some peace and quiet thanks to my inlaws.  They picked up the kids and took them back to Alabama all weekend!  I went to the spa on Friday, Nick went to a couple bars and hung out with his friends.  It was a good time.  And the food!  How could I forget the food?  Delish!!! 

Arriving at Pat O's on the River after second lining through Jackson Square.  So fun!
This weekend I'm throwing my BFF, Victoria, a baby shower.  Dinner with my parents for their birthdays.  Birthday party for a friend.  Caroline is having a sleepover.

The following weekend, we're going to the beach with my family.  Sadly, we're also attending a going away party for one of my besties - I'm not ready to talk about that one yet.  I'm still in denial.

The weekend after that we're going to the Texans game.

I'm worn out just typing all this.  Don't get me started on October...I think I need an assistant.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

OMG - I have a second grader!

How did this happen?  When did Caroline grow up?  She went off to 2nd grade and didn't even look back!  To prepare for this special day, she started sorting her new clothes into categories of "what I will not wear to school on the first day"; "what I will wear on the first week"; and "what I will probably wear on the first day"  It was hilarious.  Then we had multiple fashion shows to make sure she had the perfect outfit - because that's really what the first day is all about - FASHION.  The entire school was a Justice for Girls advertisement.  

She hopped out of bed at 6, got herself dressed and ready before I even opened my eyes.  Knew it wouldn't last long though, b/c the second day of school was a different story - I practically had to drag her out of bed.  But at least she had a cute outfit to wear!

We are happy with the teacher arrangement this year.  Not thrilled she's out in a portable building, but we'll see how it goes.  Caroline thinks it's the coolest thing ever.  As long as she's happy, we're happy.  Hope she has a wonderful year this year!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


i've already broken my "I'll blog once a week" deal.  oops.  

here's an update on my little medical situation that occurred 2 weeks ago:  doing fantastic!  saw the endocrinologist and all my labs were fine.  saw the neurologist and he gave me a shot and some headache medication in case this ever happens again (we are really, really, really hoping it does not) and sent me on my way.  

in the mail today, i got a survey to take on my experience at memorial hermann northeast.  this is going to be fun!  my ultimate goal in filling this thing out is the CEO of hermann to call me and apologize for the enormous group of morons he has working for him.  i realize that is most likely not going to happen - but a girl can dream...