before we get caught up in the excitement of next week, lets talk about this week. because it's in a whole different category of excitement! PTO is kicking into high gear and there are events almost daily at the school this week. our neighborhood social events committee is starting to plan our annual fall festival. i'm planning not one, but 3 baby showers. my house is so unorganized, i belong on an episode of hoarders. i really wanted to do some little projects around here this week, to get it together. so it's fitting that the week i've made all these plans and volunteered to help at pto functions i wind up in the hospital for a possible stroke. (it wasn't a stroke, it's actually aura migraines, and you can read about that here)
monday morning, i drop sam off at school (on time!!!) and head to the gym for my favorite workout class, soul grooves. i'm about 45 minutes into the class and i notice that i can't see out of my left eye. about 1/2 a second later i start to get really confused and disoriented and must have looked that way, b/c our amazing instructor, Tracie, grabbed me and had me sit down. i immediately start freaking out b/ i'm not quite sure what's happening. i go to this class regularly, so it's not as if i've never broken a sweat before. i start getting numbness on the left side of my body (mostly hand and face), my BP is extremely high and that's when the most horrific headache i've ever had in my life starts. the EMT (yeah, you read that right - i left the GYM on a stretcher - effing humiliating) suggests i *could* possibly be having a tiny stroke called a TIA. and that's how i ended up at the most awful hospital ever. i don't care if anyone reading this works at Northeast - that hospital sucks and crappy service like that starts at the top in administration. no one communicates - with each other OR the patient. i won't go into details (b/c there are MANY) but i will say that anything that could have gone wrong, did. if you're ever in an ambulance on the NE side of town and they ask you which hospital, tell them Kingwood - no really, insist on it.
anyhoo - everything is fine. i'm home and resting. my family and friends are so awesome. my sister (who is 7 months pregnant and has a toddler) took my kids all day and over night. my parents brought them back home and MADE caroline and sam pick up their toys upstairs. we have so many friends who brought flowers or offered to bring dinner or take the kids or come visit, i really appreciate it. we live in a great neighborhood. and of course, mr. stander who sat by my bed at the hospital and slept in the most uncomfortable chair. ever. even when i was tired and cranky (i'm sugar coating it a little) and not very pleasant - he didn't leave me in the worst hospital in the world. he stayed through the abuse. love you!!! i've still got this raging headache. apparently migraines can last for more than a week - fun. so i'm going to continue hanging out in dark rooms and make my family and friends talk very, very quietly around me. chico barked this morning (which he never does - which also proves that he hates me) and i threw a magazine at him.
below is a picture i took while i was getting ready for my EEG test. it's kind of "creepy" as caroline called it - but it sums up the ridiculousness that was the last 2 days. and if you can't laugh at yourself, there's something wrong with you. :) enjoy!